Member Management

Easy Member Management

With Value Addon, you can create, edit, view details, and manage all your customer in one place. We make it easy to operate your site so you can focus on the important things!

Add & Remove Product Access

Easily view your members product access and change at will. Easily add or remove product access whenever you want.

Mass Import Users

Simply paste in a list of email addresses, choose their product access and press “import”. Value Addon will automatically create their member accounts, send out their username and passwords, and grant them access into your membership site.

Resend Login Emails

Just press the “resend welcome email” button and your member’s login information will be sent instantly to them.

Individual Member Notes

Edit a member and take notes on their account. Useful for keeping track of members, coaching clients, and more..

Export Member Data

Any data added to your Value Addon is yours to keep forever, including your member data. We make it easy to export your data at anytime into a excel spreadsheet file for easy viewing.

Action Triggers (coming soon)

Create notifications and triggers happen when you want. For example: Send an email to a member once they complete a certain % of a course or popup an offer to all members once they login or notify members when new content is available… etc

Comments (new)

Enable comments beneath your training content. Engage with your members, edit, delete, and reply back to comments left by your members.

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